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What's Cool In Road Cycling

San Remo Preview: PEZ Talks With Chris Horner

VIDEO: I talk with Pro-cycling legend, Vuelta winner, and inimitable race analyst Chris Horner about Milan-San Remo - what makes this race cool, how to race it and who he thinks will win this weekend's la Primavera. It's a colorful chat and…

Seeking Sanremo: One Step & 300km Closer

SanRemo PREVIEW: My original theme for this story was "what makes this great race so great", written on the eve of my first trip to San Remo to view La Primavera live. It was a spiritual journey, and this report was my humble attempt to…

PEZ Rides Local: The Steveston Dyke

VIDEO: This ride along the gravel covered Steveston Dyke (aka the West Dyke Trail) from the fishing village of Steveston to the north arm of the Fraser River is flat, often windy and popular with pedestrians and strollers. But the scenic…

PEZ Rides the Maratona dles Dolomiti

VIDEO: After years of hearing how good this ride is, I finally got the chance to cycle the Maratona dles Dolomiti in Corvara, Italy. It's a climbers' gran fondo, and I opted for the 106km medio route - with 6 climbs and 3000+ m of…

My First Year on ZWIFT

VIDEO: Celebrating my first year on ZWIFT, I show how easy it is to convert the ZWIFT HUB trainer to the new single cog cassette HUB ONE configuration, and add in the new PLAY Controllers, and share how Zwift has improved my own cycling…